Monday, September 20, 2010



I doubt I even have any followers, or that many will even read this. Kudos to any of you that do though. I am hoping to update this a fair amount just to get things off of my chest and to keep everyone updated if they choose to actually read this thing.

Well, as of right now I am all caught up on my homework, I could of course study some or read ahead but I like the feeling right now of not having something to do so I will probably keep enjoying this moment. I did my first Case study for personality psychology last night, it's due tonight. It was actually a lot of fun to do because it was basically analyzing this girls personality and why she is the way she is in different circumstances. It kind of made me feel like I was judging this fake person, but when you think about it, it's just scientific-ish? I had to use a specific personality theory, it was the big five. I know later on the case studies will be more difficult, but currently I enjoy them.

This week is going to be very busy, I have a lot of things to accomplish before the weekend..but that is just the way it is. I'm at work until 5, then my chauffeur is coming to get me in his big red taxi -which i was welcomed this morning by it along with his new PA system, rather comical i thought. Can't wait to test it out at the scramble light and other random places, will give some fun times for sure. Then, I have a short break and I need to head to the north quad for personality psych, class until probably 8:30-have to turn in the case study, then she will open up the's due friday. Last week, I got an 80% on it..wasn't as good as what I wanted btu luckily she gave us an opportunity to get four points of extra credit so that was exactly what i needed to get a 100% in the class. I am in hopes she updates gradebook soon, I would love to see that B- turn into an A! After class, I am going to work out for about 45 minutes with wes- we plan on running on the treadmill, track, and doing either the bike/elliptical each for 15 min a piece. I figure even if I don't spend a ton in the gym, a little is better than none just to help out a bit and get myself more in shape so maybe I won't feel like I can't breathe half the time. It's frustrating, I am not THAT out of shape and i always feel out of breath, it's ridiculous. I may have to start using my inhaler more often until I can get my breathing caught back up. Then also, new two and a half men starts tonight! But I'm not sure if I will have the time to watch it, unless its when I am working out. Then I'ma go back to the dorm, shower, get my stuff ready, mess around online and go to bed!

Tuesday is jam packed as always - Corrections @ 8, Research Methods @ 9:30, Work @ 11, the debate of going to anthropology at 12:30-may take my sister's advice and just go then do other homework or something..Idk yet.. hate the class, so hot in the room and it's packed, the material is boring, i dont know, just not my cup of tea.. not that i like any tea, ha. And then I have my favorite class of the day!!!- Courts at 2:00, where I will be turning in my 2 page extra credit paper for 5 points. I ended up not doing the best on my first courts test- I got a 74% but like she said now we are all on the same page and this score can easily go away [we get to drop our lowest test grade] so that's a good thing to keep in mind, and esp now if i totally bomb a test, this test grade isn't absolutely horrible so if I needed to drop a lower score it wouldn't be the end of the world, but of course I plan on doing better =] Now that I've seen her study guides, I think I am going to really take all the info she gives on them and put them on notecards and have someone test me, b/c everything she said that was going to be on there, was.. so glad to know she is straight to the point, no BS. After I get done with class around 3, I dont have anything until 5, I have LAE General meeting which I am honestly dreading. I am kind of frustrated with that whole situation. Everything was going fine, and then got an e-mail that I know was meant to be tactful and to the point, but instead it just now makes things be on a bad's kind of like why would I want to be super involved now after a crappy e-mail? I really felt like I was doing a decent job- I have been researching information and staying on my designated task. I haven't been to any LAE events outside of the meetings, but I've had prior engagements and so on. Especially this last saturday, I could've went to the game and helped pass out but it was at tailgating, several hours before the game..I'm not old enough to drink, and no that's not stopped me before, but I am not going to go out and publicly drink when there are excise and so on.. Plus, I was at home anyways then met Trevor's friends - Dan and his girlfriend Tabitha-They were both really nice. Well after Lae, I am going to din din with wes, then to this Safe Sex Bingo that Jillian is working so that should be comical, figured could enjoy the laughs.. afterwards its time to work on my fitness a bit!

The rest of the week there isn't anything major going on. Wednesday night at 6:00, Noelle and I are going to our second Weight Watchers Meeting. I enjoyed going last week, I know I am not going to have a dramatic change overnight, but it's time to get my butt in gear and start making better choices so I won't be as tired and will have more energy..Plus, I'd prefer not to gain ANY MORE weight.. I would be absolutely mortified with myself if I gained anymore.. just because I would be unhappy and disappointed with myself, not because of any other factors.

My starting weight is: 178.4 lbs.

I'm not sure how long it is going to take me to start losing weight, or even reach my goal weight, but it's worth a shot at this lifestyle change. I needed something that it easy to throw into my everyday life, and this seemed to be the best choice for Noelle and I, so we think! We are both starting out at 28 WW points, once we start losing we will adjust our WW points. I would love to be close to my goal weight before Christmas, so that is my goal! That is 3 months, I think I can do it so fingers crossed! I would love everyones support though - helping me make good choices and not sabotaging my dining choices!! haha. So, I am going to make mini goals for myself and reward myself with little things here and there, of course not with food. My first goal is 5% of my body weight which is 9 lbs. My next goal is 10% of my body weight which is 17 lbs. and so on.. my final weight loss goal is to be 140 lbs. I would like to be able to fluctuate between 135-145 though, give a little bit of play room, but no more and no less. So All in All, I am looking at roughly 40 lbs to shed. I don't want to set timelines for losing my weight though, I'd rather do lbs or percentages that way I won't be frustrated with myself as much. It will happen when it happens.

So far I've done good with eating. I ate a fiber one bar and had some water this morning for breakfast, for lunch I picked up a decent amount of items - small salad, new flatbread sandwich from tbell (7pts), 4oz cottage cheese, 4oz applesauce, and diet mt. dew. So it ended up equalling about 14 points, I need to break it down a bit more, but that was my rough addition I did earlier.

On top of all those things, I have really been wanting to have my rheumatologist appointment, but it is not until October. On Saturday my wrist started hurting pretty bad again. I wore my wrist brace two nights in a row, plan on keeping it on while I am in the dorm. I didn't do anything to hurt it, so kind of frustrating. I really hope I find something out at the rheumatologist, hopefully nothing bad. but some answers would be nice.

Well, I should probably get back to work. I've wrote a fair amount for my first blog entry. I am hoping to open this up to some more people to get readers..some of it is probably boring though. I am just writing to write.. but some others might find my life ever so interesting..

Well, Miss & Love you all!

<3ali kate


  1. Hey love! Yay for blogs! Sounds like you are very busy but also having fun too. I'm proud of you for keeping up with the Weight Watchers thing! I'm going to need to start some sort of something up here pretty soon after Junior gets here, so I know how you feel for sure. I'm looking forward to reading your blog because I miss my Princess Peach Ali bunches. Good luck with school and everything else. Love you. <3

    Love, Christina and Junior

  2. Thanks babedoll =] Yes, hopefully the WW program will work! Aw, well from what it seems you only gained Junior, so it won't take long for it to all disappear for you! I miss you too darling, tons. I am definitely game for J and I taking a road trip to visit you, we will have to plan out the details! Love youuu.

  3. Good for you and the WW thing!! I need to get my hubby on board too, but with farming season...well not the best time!! Love you babe

  4. Thanks dude! I am happy to start it, I'd like to do it until Christmas, if it works then awesome..if not then guess can't say I didn't try. Enjoy my blog creeper :) Love youuu.

  5. baha you would be's all hiding everywhere haha. And yes planning would be great! I would love to see you both =)
