Monday, January 3, 2011


Although he does not know it, my motivation is going to be my amazing boyfriend. He may tell me that "I am perfect the way i am" but i honestly wish he would be like your fat lol
Who am I doing this for? Myself. This is the first step to making myself a happier me.
I find weight to be just a number so the hell with this.
I am just shy of 5'8" and am now weighing in at a whopping 189 pounds.
I have gained 49 pounds since January 2010 and that disgusts me.
I want to be able to wear my clothes without having to try on multiple tops to worry about how I look in the mirror. i feel like i have all these nice and pricey clothes in my closet but i don't wear half of them because i don't like the way i look in them.

So with that being said.. I want to put into words what some of my goals are for myself.
Start Weight 189 lbs
Current Weight: 185 lbs
Final Goal Weight: 140 lbs

1st Goal: Lose 10 lbs = 175 lbs
2nd Goal: Lose 15 lbs = 170 lbs
3rd Goal: Lose 20 lbs = 165 lbs BY SPRING BREAK
4th Goal: Lose 25 lbs = 160 lbs
5th Goal: Lose 30 lbs = 155 lbs
6th Goal: Lose 35 lbs = 150 lbs
7th Goal: Lose 40 lbs = 145 lbs
8th Goal: Lose 45 lbs = 140 lbs
Final Goal: MAINTAIN between 140-150 lbs

I will post some pictures for my start weight, etc and post them and then update pictures as I go!

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